Saturday, March 2, 2013

Top 10 Things I Learned from 8 Weeks of Hell

I have just completed an Eight week bootcamp that my instructor affectionately called Eight Weeks of Hell.  It was intense.  Some days were harder than others, but I am so glad that I did it.  It was definitely a learning experience in more ways than one.  These are the top 10 things that I learned during this 8 week program.

10.  Just because people pay money for an exercise regime, doesn't mean they are going to follow it.  I was shocked at the amount of people that disappeared from class.  We started out with 24 people.  Today, the last day, there were 5 of us. 

9.  You don't need any fancy equipment to get an amazing work-out.  Body weight exercises can be just as or MORE effective than any kind of equipment.  Squats, push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, v-sits, burpees....if done in the right combination, can be exhausting.

8.  I CAN do push-ups from my toes.  Who knew???

7.  Surrounding yourself with positive, like-minded people is the best gift you can give yourself.  It is much easier to do this sort of regime with a support team in place.

6.  If you think you can't sweat any more than you already have, you are wrong.  OH boy, are you wrong!!!

5.  Closing my eyes while doing a wall sit really does work.  Wall sits are a gift from hell.  Closing my eyes and focusing on my breathing helps to get me through.  Otherwise, I am looking all around and lose posture too quickly.

4.  The word "burpees" instills pain as well as panic in the hearts of many...mostly me.

3.  I really can do more than I ever thought I could.  I have never had the confidence in myself to believe that I could do what I have done over the past 8 weeks.

2.  To be proud of my accomplishments, no matter how big or small they are.  This has been a hard lesson as I feel everything should be perfect, the first time I do it...which is utterly ridiculous.  I am so proud of myself for doing what I have done.

1.  Never, ever question Ryan.  There is always a reason for everything he has us do.

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